Template:Infobox airline

From FSAirlinesWiki
Revision as of 17:02, 19 February 2009 by Alasizon (talk | contribs)
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Infobox airline at a Glance
CEO {{{CEO}}}
Chief Officers
Salary Percentage {{{Salary Percentage}}}
Alliance Affiliation None
Last updated on {{{updateday}}} {{Month/{{{updatemonth}}}}}, {{{updateyear}}}
Template:Infobox airline/portrait/no


This template is for airlines. To use, first copy and paste the following into your crew's page.

{{Infobox airline
|Chief Officers=
|Salary Percentage=

Next, fill in each parameter with your airline's information, placing it between the equals sign and vertical bar/pipe ("|"). For the update fields, use the numeric day, month, and year without any leading zeros. For the 7th of January, 2006, for example, the fields would be:

After the double bracket— }} —that closes the template, you can write anything you like about your airline. Don't worry about fancy formatting or linkage; there are plenty of people willing and quick to edit.

Most importantly, we want each airline to have a brief history about it. If your airline has taken part in some exciting aviation event, write about it!

Optional parameters

The optional parameters are as follows:

  • alliance (defaults to None)
  • Chief Officers (defaults to blank)
  • founded (yes/no (defaults to no))
  • portrait (yes/no (defaults to no))

Troubleshooting the template

If it doesn't seem to be displaying correctly, first check the following things:

  • Make sure all of your linked CEO or Chief Officer names have an opening and closing set of tags ([[ and ]])
  • Make sure you have not accidentally deleted the | that separates each variable
  • Make sure there is an opening and closing tag for the template ({{ and }})
  • Make sure you used the number of the month instead of its name in the update field, and make sure you have no leading zeros (May is month 5, not 05), and that you used the 4-digit year (2006, not 06)

If you still can't get it to work after checking those things, leave a note on the wiki admin's talk page asking for help (don't forget to put something like "infobox help" in the edit summary) and he will be happy to give you a hand with it.