The XML-Interface is the core of the VA Integration Kit. It has been designed to give VA Administrators with the knowledge of dynamic web techniques the possibility to create their own layout and perfectly integrate the information into their own website using XML data from FSAirlines.
Access Restriction
In order to be able to receive data from the XML-Interface the domain of your VA's website must be registered in our database. There are different access levels available:
- Read only access for your VA
- Read and write access (except account creation) for your VA. This access level will be given to you initially.
- Read and write access for your VA. This access level will be given to your VA if you show our privacy policy on your registration page.
To request one of these access levels, please contact the admins using a support ticket and don't forget to add the domain of your website.
Basic Usage
The data can be received using HTTP calls to the interface script and add the desired function to the parameters. Here is an example request:
As you can see there is the interface script va_interface.php5, the function getPilotList and one function parameter va_id=7. Some functions require additional parameters, these can be appended after the va_id.
The result of the request will be given in xml format with the base-tag being <fsa_output>. This tag has the attributes version and success which show the version number of the interface and if the request succeeded or not. In case of a failure the success-attribute shows the error message. The following example shows the return text of the above function:
<fsa_output version="1.0" success="SUCCESS"> <data id="1" name="Konrad" surname="Pustka" va_user="SNA101" location="EDDM" lastactive="1287330550" budget="198144" /> <data id="2" name="Claudio" surname="Gusmini" va_user="SNA102" location="EDDM" lastactive="1286366261" budget="216405101" /> </fsa_output>
Inside the fsa_output-tag there are the data-tags which contain all the information. To use this data in your own webpage you need some knowledge in dynamic web-programming, for example PHP. We can't give you a complete introduction into PHP, but you can always have a look at the Official FSAirlines Integration Pack and see how we readout the data there.
The following section contains a detailed list of all the request-functions with their return values.
All the request functions use parameters which need to be appended. The following table shows all the parameters and their meaning.
Parameter | Meaning |
ac_id | ID of the aircraft. Is part of the data received from other functions (e.g. getAircraftList). |
accept_pp | Must be set '1' if Privacy Policy is accepted. |
acdb_id | ID of the aircraft type. Is part of the data received from other functions (e.g. getAircraftList). |
airport | Starting airport. Where the user should be placed first. |
arr | ICAO code of the arrival airport. |
count | Number past flights which should be displayed. |
country | Name of the country. |
days | Number of past days from now which should be displayed. |
dep | ICAO code of the departure airport. |
E-Mail of the user. | |
fleet_id | ID of the fleet. Is part of the data received from other functions. |
from_ts | UNIX timestamp of the date where the listing should start. |
givenname | Given name of the user. |
icao | ICAO code of the airport. |
passwd | Password of the pilot (MD5 encrypted). |
password | Password of the user. |
pilot_id | ID of the pilot. Is part of the data received from other functions. |
report_id | ID of the report. Is part of the data received from other functions. |
surname | Surname of the user. |
to_ts | UNIX timestamp of the date where the listing should end. |
user | Username of the pilot. |
username | Requested username. |
va_id | ID of the Virtual Airline. Is displayed on the Overview page. |
Aircraft Data
Function | Parameters | Return Codes | Data |
getAircraftData | va_id, ac_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, va_id, acdb_id, location, va_id, user_id, lease_id, fleet_id, status, value, registration, fuel, state, ac_name, stateeng1, stateeng2, stateeng3, stateeng4, stategear, statehull, img_path |
getAircraftDBData | va_id, acdb_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, manufacturer, type, icao, passengers, price, fuel, dow, mtow, speed, engines, cargo, mzfw, market_only, range |
getAircraftDBList | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, manufacturer, type, icao |
getAircraftList | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, acdb_id, icao, value, location, registration, state, ac_name, status, fleet_id, fuel |
getAircraftStats | va_id, ac_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | flights, hours, distance |
getFleetAircraftList | va_id, fleet_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, acdb_id, icao, value, location, registration, state, ac_name, status, fleet_id, fuel |
getFleetList | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, name |
getFleetStats | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, flights, hours, distance, last, fuel_used, profit, cargo_kg, pax |
getLeasedAircraftList | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, acdb_id, icao, value, location, registraion, state, ac_name, status, fleet_id, fuel, va_id, name, expire |
getPeriodFleetStats | va_id, from_ts, to_ts | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, flights, hours, distance, last, fuel_used, profit, cargo_kg, pax |
Airport Data
Function | Parameters | Return Codes | Data |
getAirportData | va_id, icao | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, name, iata, icao, city, country, la_g, la_p, la_s, la_d, lat, lo_g, lo_p, lo_s, lo_d, lon, altitude, length, fuel, size |
getAirportList | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | icao, name, city, country, fuel, lat, lon |
Airline Data
Function | Parameters | Return Codes | Data |
getAirlineData | va_id, id (=va_id) | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, name, base, code, budget, homepage, logo_l, logo_s, price (deprecated, will be removed in next release), reputation, pilotcharge, multiplier, mission |
getAirlineStats | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, flights, rating, hours, distance, last, fuel_used, pax, cargo_kg |
getCountryStats | va_id, country | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | va_name, id, flights, rating hours, profit, distance, last, fuel_used, pax, cargo_kg |
getRankList | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, name, short, settings, pilots, aircrafts, fleet, flights, partnerships, advertisements, fleet_id |
Financial Data
Function | Parameters | Return Codes | Data |
getLast10Transactions | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | ts, value, reason |
getNegTransactionSums | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | value, reason |
getPosTransactionSums | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | value, reason |
Flight Data
Function | Parameters<ref name="params">Parameters in brackets are optional</ref> | Return Codes | Data |
getActiveFlights | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | departure, arrival, passengers, cargo, user_id, ac_id, flightstate, timestamp |
getBookedFlights | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | departure, arrival, passengers, cargo, user_id, ac_id |
getFlightReports | va_id, (acdb_id), (ac_id), (pilot_id), (days), (count) | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, dep, arr, pln_arr, ts, pax, ac_type, distance, rating, salary, income, pilot_id, pic, pid, fuel_used, flighttype, hours, ac_id, number, deptime, arrtime, pln_deptime, pln_arrtime, route_id, va_id, va |
getReportDetail | va_id, report_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, ac_type, ac_id, pic, pilot_id, number, dep, pln_arr, arr, deptime, loc_deptime, arrtime, loc_arrtime, hours, ts, flightstate, rating, ratingreasons, distance, pax, ticket, crew, salary, fuelprice, fuel_bought, fuel_used, profit, version, simrate, multiplier, bonus, cargo, cargo_kg, flighttype, comment, cheat |
getRouteData | va_id, route_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, va_id, cs_vaid, number, dep, arr, deptime, arrtime, simrate, days, price, state, flighttype |
getRouteList | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, number, dep, dep_country, arr, arr_country, deptime, arrtime, simrate, days, price, state, flighttype, acdb_list, ac_id |
Pilot Data
Function | Parameters | Return Codes | Data |
getPeriodPilotStats | va_id, from_ts, to_ts | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, flights, rating, hours, distance, last, fuel_used, profit, cargo_kg, pax |
getPilotData | va_id, pilot_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, name, surname, user, va_user, rank_id, location, budget, lastactive, active, sigac, timezone, weightunit, language, msgmail, flights, rating, hours, distance, pax, cargo_kg |
getPilotHours | va_id, pilot_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, manufacturer, type, icao, hours |
getPilotList | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, name, surname, user, va_user, rank_id, location, last_active, status, budget |
getPilotRatings | va_id, pilot_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, training, manufacturer, type |
getPilotStats | va_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id, flights, rating, hours, distance, last, fuel_used, profit, cargo_kg, pax |
getPilotStatus | va_id, pilot_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | ac_id, route_id, departure, arrival, dep_time, dist, duration, status, lon, lat, flightstate, passengers, income, ticket, timestamp, cargo, multiplier, flighttype |
Flight Booking
Function | Parameters | Return Codes | Data |
bookFlight | va_id, pilot_id, passwd, route_id, ac_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND, FLIGHT BOOKED, GROUNDED, SUSPENDED, VA INACTIVE | success, message, codeshare, codeshare_msg |
cancelFlight | va_id, pilot_id, passwd | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | result, loss |
getBookableRoutes | va_id, pilot_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND, FLIGHT BOOKED, GROUNDED, SUSPENDED, VA INACTIVE | number, dep, arr, deptime, arrtime, id, state, simrate, flighttype, training, price, list, ac_id |
getBookableAircraft | va_id, pilot_id, route_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND, FLIGHT BOOKED, GROUNDED, SUSPENDED, VA INACTIVE | type, registration, state, id, name, fuel |
getBookStatus | va_id, pilot_id | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | status |
Miscellaneous User Functions
Function | Parameters | Return Codes | Data |
createAccount | va_id, givenname, surname, username, email, password, airport, accept_pp | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | success, message, code |
getPilotID | va_id, user, passwd | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | id |
getPrivacyPolicy | va_id | SUCCESS | policy |
getTransferCost | va_id, arr, dep | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND | cost |
transferPilot | va_id, pilot_id, passwd, icao | SUCCESS, NOT FOUND, INSUFFICIENT FUNDS | cost |
<references />
Requested additional functions
The following list contains all the functions which were requested by users but aren't implemented yet.
- Create, edit and delete routes
- Show flightnumber with active and booked flights
- getDistance(icao, icao) function
- getMetar(icao) function
- Include the photo profile and rank (student, ceo, etc) in the getPilotData array