FSAirlinesWiki:Terms of use: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 15:27, 30 August 2009

Welcome to FSA Wiki, hosted by the FSAirlines Team. Before you edit the wiki, you must agree to the terms below. These terms may be changed over time without notice to you. Important changes will be announced on the Wiki or on the Wiki forum. You agree to be bound by any changes to this page.

If you do not accept and abide by this agreement, please do not use the FSA Wiki. If you do not wish to follow FSA Wiki's policies, please do not edit this wiki.

Description of service

The FSAirlines Team hosts the FSA Wiki. FSA Wiki's content is made freely accessible for informational purposes to anyone with a connection to the Internet.

YPPedia content

FSA Wiki's Administrators will act to remove copyright violations in a timely manner following the receipt of a DMCA takedown request.

FSAirline's Wiki is provided "as is". FSAirlines has no responsibility for lack of access to any wiki or any particular subject matter. Wikis are currently editable by the public, and, as such, may contain inappropriate content at any time.

Any use you make of content hosted by FSA Wiki must be in line with the terms of that wiki's license. FSA Wiki is available under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Any content you upload or post to FSA Wiki must be compatible with the CC BY license, not violate another person's intellectual property or infringe on any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other proprietary rights. No content shall be added which violates any applicable law, including local, state, national, and international laws.

No content shall be added to FSA Wiki that is threatening, harmful, hateful, unlawful, libelous, defamatory, harassing, abusive, fraudulent, vulgar, obscene, contains viruses, or is otherwise demeaning or potentially damaging, as reasonably determined by FSAirlines.

All content on the FSA Wiki is the responsibility of the person who uploaded it or added it to a wiki page. FSAirlines does not control the content, and does not approve the content before it is published. Although they are not obliged to do so, FSAirlines, or its developers, have the right to remove any content for any reason, including violation of these terms of use.

Use of the FSA Wiki

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Validity of Terms

If any term, condition or clause of these terms of use is found to be invalid then the remaining terms, conditions and clauses, shall remain valid.