Client Plugin Beta

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Revision as of 16:23, 6 November 2009 by Konny (talk | contribs)
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The Client plugin has the same features as the stand-alone Client but it runs directly inside the Flight Simulator window. So you don't have to start the Client manually and can easily access it from inside the FS. Currently it's still under development and for Windows and FS9, FSX there already is a public beta online. Versions for X-Plane and Mac or Linux will follow soon.


The plugin currently only runs on Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 with FSUIPC installed or Microsoft Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 2 installed (SP2).


You can download the current beta for Windows and FS9/FSX here:



The Client plugin comes with an installer which makes it easy for everyone to install the plugin. Just select "FS9 plugin" and/or "FSX plugin" on the component selection page and it installs all the files automatically. If you have a broken FS installation it will ask you to point to the folder where FS9/FSX is installed.

Please note: Don't select the Client stand-alone application if you already have it installed or don't need it.

Using the plugin

The plugin generally has the same layout as the stand-alone Client so people already familiar with the Client shouldn't have much problems. The only difference is the options page where you can't select a FS Interface anymore.

Show Client window

To show the Client window you have to start a flight and select Show Client in the menu:

FS9: FSA -> Show Client

FSX: Add-Ons -> FSAirlines -> Show Client

Hide Client window

To hide the Client window you have to select Hide Client in the menu:

FS9: FSA -> Hide Client

FSX: Add-Ons -> FSAirlines -> Hide Client

Toggle Client window

To easily show and hide the Client during flight press the F key on your keyboard.

Known Problems

During the closed beta stage there already came up some problems which unfortunately couldn't be solved as there were too few people coming up with details. So please report any problems you experience here (with some details about your O/S and FS version).

Known problems are:

  • F key doesn't work properly
  • Installer process is still running after installation
  • FS9 Plugin unable to connect to Website
  • Installer creates an empty FSAirlines folder in ../Microsoft Flight Simulator 9/Modules