Passenger List

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For each flight you book you will get an individual passenger list which is randomly generated from our database of fake-people. You find it in the Crew Center under Book Flight -> Passenger List. There also is a pdf-download link on the top of the page.

The Fake-People Database

The database consists of female and male given-/surnames which are always connected to specific country. We're always looking for new names from different countries, so feel free to send us some ( The list should be a txt-file with the following format: [code] Country: Germany

Givennames: Lisa,f Günther,m

Surnames: Müller, Maier, Huber [/code]

This the current mix of nations in our database:

Country Givennames Surnames
Germany 142 287
Spain 2602 206
France 99 121
United States 3155 10453