
From FSAirlinesWiki
Revision as of 23:44, 30 August 2009 by Alasizon (talk | contribs)
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The main website of FSAirlines supports different languages. You can choose your native language by clicking on the proper flag on the upper right of the website. All these languages (apart from english) are provided by FSAirlines users, so if you contact the admins you still have to use english otherwise they won't be able answer your request.

Translate the website

We're constantly looking for new users who are able to translate the website into their native language. But remember that this is not a one-time job as our language file grows steadily with every change to the website. If you are willing to do this you will get some special privileges in the Crew Center which will allow you to edit the phrases of your choosen language (You will find a link Languages in the Crew Centre under Database). You don't need any special knowledge in html or any other web-related stuff, you just need to have some spare time ;-) and must be a native speaker of the choosen language. Just drop a line here and we will send you the details on how it works. But I have to warn you, there are currently about 1000 phrases (mostly just a few words) and we expect you to regularly check the page for new phrases.