Aircraft types

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FSAirlines supports a lot of aircraft types which are all shown in the Crew Centre under Database. If you want to fly an aircraft on FSAirlines which is not on this list, you will find a link to Add new aircraft at this page.

Add new aircraft

On this page you can enter data for new aircraft. It is important that you fill out every field before sending it in. After that it will be reviewed by an admin and then be added to the system. You must have the following data at hand (can be found at sites like


The manufacturer of the aircraft. If you don't know how to write the name, please check the current list of aircraft types and use exactly that name.


The aircraft type.


The ICAO-code of the aircraft type. Please refer to this list:


The number of passengers in the usual configuration (2-class for most aircraft and 3-class for everything bigger than A340).


How much a new aircraft costs.

Still produced

Enter if the aircraft is still in production.

Dry Operating Weight

The Dry Operating Weight in kg.

Max Zero Fuel Weight

The Maximum Zero Fuel Weight in kg.

Max Take Off Weight

The Maximum Take Off Weight in kg.

Max Fuel Weight

The Maximum Fuel Weight in kg.

Cargo Space

Amount of cargo the aircraft can load (in kg).

Normal/Econ Cruise Speed

Normal or economic cruise speed in kn.


The maximum range of the aircraft in nm.

Number of Engines

The number of engines.

Engine type

The engine type.

Ticket factor

The ticket factor. Usually 1.0, but can be adjusted for older or business aircraft.

A/C Type

There are 4 selections in this dropdown box. Commercial, Private, Prototype, and Special use.

Commercial an aircraft that is or was produced with the intention to be used for revenue passenger or cargo use. Ex. - Boeing 747, Douglas DC-3

Private an aircraft that is or was produced with the intention of being used for private users. Ex. - Cessna 172, Cessna 140

Prototype an aircraft which is intended for private or commercial use but has not yet been certified or entered service. This allows for data to be added and the aircraft ready for placement on the market when this occurs. Ex. - Boeing 787

Special Use an aircraft which is or was used in civilian service but under special circumstances or in extremely limited numbers. Ex. - Antonov An-225, Airbus A300-600ST "Beluga"

Note: Special Use aircraft are not available for purchase on the open market. Only the number actually produced will be made available for any one VA (i.e. no VA may have more than 1 AN-225 or 5 A300-600ST). VA's must have v$1 Billion in total assets and 5 pilots (real pilots, any VA found to be creating duplicate accounts in violation of FSAirlines rules will be shut down). To request a "Special Use" aircraft, please submit a Support Ticket.

Number of Aircraft Produced

This is the number of aircraft produced that are or were in civilian service. This EXCLUDES all aircraft built for military service.